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This article reviewed and approved by licensed medical personnel - lasik side effectsA Look at Possible Lasik Side Effects

Lasik surgery may help improve your sight, but like any other procedure, you can experience side effects. In this article, we explore some of the possible side effects that you may experience as a result of Lasik surgery.

Temporary Eye Irritation and Sensitivity 

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One of the possible Lasik side effects is experiencing temporary irritants. After the procedure, your eye may burn, itch, or feel like there is something in it. You may experience some discomfort, or in some cases, mild pain and your doctor may suggest you take a mild pain reliever. You can relieve this one of temporary Lasik side effects by putting eye drops after undergoing the procedure.

Another one of the Lasik side effects is that you may, for a short time, experience some watering of the eyes and your eyesight may be a little hazy after the procedure.  You will instinctively want to rub your eye, but try to avoid doing so. Rubbing your eye could dislodge the corneal flap, requiring further treatment.

You may experience sensitivity to light, glare, star bursts or haloes around lights, or the whites of your eye may look red or bloodshot. These Lasik side effects should improve within the first few days after surgery.

Your Vision Might Not be Perfect

One of the possible Lasik side effects is under-correction. That means the doctor may not correct your vision to where he or she thinks it ought to be on the first attempt. If this were to occur, your doctor would simply have you in for another treatment for more correction.

Other possible Lasik side effects include over-correction. That means if you're nearsighted now, it's possible to over-correct your vision so you become farsighted. This side effect is unlikely because your doctor will try to avoid over-correction by being conservative on the initial procedure. If over-correction occurs, it can usually be corrected using an appropriate procedure.

More Serious Lasik Complications

Serious complications from Lasik surgery are rare. Infection is the most troublesome complication and it can usually be eliminated with antibiotic eye drops.

Lasik side effects could occur if you were to displace your corneal flap by rubbing your eyes and you do not tell  your doctor know right away. The doctor will minimize this possible side effect by having you wear eye patches when you go to bed during the first week after the procedure.

Preventing of Lasik Side Effects

To avoid possible Lasik side effects, you should contact your doctor immediately if you experience severe pain, or if your vision or other symptoms get worse. See your doctor within the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery and at regular intervals thereafter for at least the first six months. At the first postoperative visit, your doctor will remove the eye shield, test your vision, and examine your eye.