Understanding Alzheimers Disease
Alzheimers disease affects an estimated 4 million persons in the United States alone. The cause of this disease is
generally unknown, although researchers agree that the disease is marked by the death of brain cells and memory loss. Because
the disease becomes progressively worse and can impact seemingly routine functions such as brushing teeth, basic langauge skills and
remembering family names, Alzheimer's disease can be rough on the patient and painful for the caregivers and family members to
In the "Understanding Alzheimer's Disease" section, we explore some of the potential causes and treatments for Alzheimer's, signs to look for
if you suspect a loved one may have the disease, and some tips about taking care of a person with Alzheimer's. Additionally, we explore
ideas for preventing -- or at least slowing down -- the symptoms of Alzheimer's and some nature remedies purported to enhance memory and other
brain functions.
The articles below are also available in audio format for the visually impaired and for those who'd rather listen than read.
- What is Alzheimers Disease
An astounding number of people suffer from Alzheimer's Disease. In this article (audio provided), we look at some stats, who gets Alzheimers Disease, and general symptoms.
- Causes of Alzheimers Disease
There are several speculative causes of Alzheimers disease, like genetics, age, and even viral infections. Environmental factors may contribute. What everyone agrees on is that brain cells die.
- Early Signs of Alzheimers
Early symptoms include confusion, being inattentive, personality changes, short-term memory loss and more. This (audio) article explores the early signs of Alzheimers and some of the later stages.
- Testing for Alzheimers Disease
Testing for Alzheimers disease generally involves a battery of tests. The Seven Minute Screen test greatly reduces time. More advanced Alzheimer's testing is being developed.
- A Closer Look at the Stages of Alzheimers
There are seven known stages of Alzheimers. Here, we briefly explore each of them and some of the ramifications of Alheimer's disease. Article includes an audio version.
- Alzheimers and Dementia - Understanding Alzheimers Type Dementia
Alzheimers and dementia share a common disorder, memory loss. Both can be difficult situations for the patient and loved ones. This article explores the symptoms of Alzheimer's type demensia.
- Living with Someone Suffering from Alzheimers Disease
Living with someone suffering from Alzheimers disease can be challenging, but there are some guidelines to make life easier. For instance, using visual aids can be helpful. Excersie is good.
- Activities for Alzheimers Patients
Activies for Alzheimers patients need to be balanced with advice from trained medical professionals. There are potentially helpful activities for Alzheimer's patients that include family videos ...
- Common Prescriptions - Alzheimers Medications
There are 5 common prescriptions for Alzheimer's disease that are approved by the FDA. This article explores the common Alzheimers medications and their potential side effects.
- Finding a Caregiver
Taking care of a person suffering from Alzheimer's disease is a challenge, particularly since the patient's ability to function regresses. Tips on finding a caregiver are explored in this article.
- Choosing an Alzheimers Care Facility
Choosing an Alzheimers care facility involves some considerations such as activities, wandering safeguards, and so forth. As a matter of fact, an Alzheimer's care 'facility' can be your home.
- Suggestions for Preventing Alzheimers Disease
Although no conclusive studies have been done, research indicates that certain mental tasks may help in preventing Alzheimers disease ... or at least help to slow down Alzheimer's.
- Vitamins and Supplements to Boost Brain Power
Although not specifically shown to slow down Alzheimer's, some vitamins and supplements may boost brain power, memory and concentration. Lecithin, Gingko Biloba and Vitamin B-6 are the most common.