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This image means that this article has been approved by licensed medical personnel.  Hypertension, high blood pressure, blood pressure monitor - high blood pressure, hypertension, symptoms of high blood pressure, where to find a blood pressure monitorHypertension - The Silent Killer

Hypertension is a medical problem that many people are unaware of having. It is known as the Silent Killer because it often presents no symptoms.

Hypertension refers to high blood pressure. Technically, hypertension parameters are identified in a blood pressure test revealing where:

  • The systolic (top number) is 140 or more; and
  • The diastolic (bottom number) is 90 or more.

The parameters for high blood pressure assume, of course, that these blood pressure readings are consistent.  

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It is now easy to measure and monitor your blood pressure with the Omron Intellisense Automatic Digital Blood Pressure Monitor HEM 705-CP

Since you can not often "feel" that you have high blood pressure, and there are not a lot of prominent symptoms before you have high blood pressure complications (including stroke and heart attack), monitoring your blood pressure regularly is the best way to manage your blood pressure. There are many advantages to this, not to mention, early detection.

This early detection will reduce the chances of developing further complications of the disease, and also, enhance the overall management of hypertension. Make this a priority in your overall management of your own health.

Causes of Hypertension

Essential Hypertension has no particular cause that can be identified. It may have genetic origins and could even be as a result of dietary choices. At this time, there is no clear-cut cause.

Secondary Hypertension is caused as a result of another disease. These causes may include:

  • Cushing's syndrome
  • adrenal gland tumors
  • kidney disorders
  • renal failure
  • glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys)
  • renal vascular obstruction or narrowing
  • oral contraceptives
  • use of medications, drugs, or other chemicals
  • Henoch-Schonlein purpura
  • hemolytic-uremic syndrome
  • radiation enteritis
  • periarteritis nodosa
  • Wilms' tumor
  • retroperitoneal fibrosis

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Hypertension Symptoms

As already pointed out, symptoms are rare. You might have a headache. It  could be mild or severe. For a severe headache, you must immediately be seen by a medical doctor. You could be experiencing what is termed as "Malignant Hypertension," which is an emergency and must not be ignored.  Some of the signs of hypertension that is of the malignant type are:

  • irregular heartbeat
  • tiredness
  • confusion
  • vision changes
  • angina or chest pain
  • heart failure
  • blood in urine
  • ear noise or buzzing
  • nosebleed

High Blood Pressure Treatments

Treatments include the reduction of the hypertension itself. Treatment settings may include the ER, Cardiac Unit or even in the home, if deemed appropriate by your doctor.

Medication regimens used to treat the hypertension  may include beta-blockers, diuretics, calcium channel blockers, alpha blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). Other medication choices such as diazoxide, hydralazine, minoxidil, or nitroprusside may be used as well to treat very high blood pressures.

There are many different types of high blood pressure and we have only briefly touched on those. In each case, the causes and treatment are highly individual and should be treated only by highly-trained medical personnel.

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